Dr Trozzi and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson cover a full spectrum
In this recent fast paced conversation, Laura Lynn and I mince no words and make things very clear regarding a spectrum of issues including: the transgender and sexualization agenda targeting our children, Canada’s political hypocrites (a.k.a. WEF hostile foreign agents), covid, the mandates, the injections, the concealed DNA genetic invasion, fake media, Canadians waking up on mass, the CPSO’s war against honest doctors, and ways to detoxify from and survive the coerced jabs.
Full LLTT Episode: https://rumble.com/v3lvao4-remedies-for-those-who-have-taken-the-shot.html
This Saturday October 28, 2023 If you are near or in Ontario, please join me with Laura Lynn and an incredible line up of Covid Era heroes including Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. James Thorpe, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Lance Wallnau, Pastor Artur Pawloski, Nathaniel Pawlowski, Pastor Hildebrand, , Josh Alexander, Greg Hill (Free2Fly), and Mumma Bears.
Links and Related Material:
- The transgender agenda and sexualization of children
- Covid “Vaccines” Detox
- More Laura Lynn Tyler Thomspon with Dr Trozzi and other good doctors
- Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson
- October 28 2023 Era Of Champions Event in Whitby Ontario
- The Wellness Company, Spike Protein Detox Formula and more
- Dr Trozzi Alert | There’s DNA in the RNA Shots. Lots!
- Criminal Genetic Invasion of Humanity Confirmed. World Council For Health Urgent Panel of Global Experts Confirm Dangerous Criminal Undeclared DNA In Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 “Vaccines”
- World Council For Health
- Dr Paul Alexander on fasting
- Dr William Makis on fasting
- The WEF considers you a “hack-able animal” and they’re controlling the federal government
- More about the WEF
- The WHO
- The CPSO