As US data shows unprecedented death and harms from the covid jabs, the CPSO whips all doctors who stood against it, and Dr McCullough arrives to testify in Trozzi vs CPSO "hearing" tomorrow
Injecting ~280 million Americans produced at least 26.6 million injuries, 1.36 million disabilities, 310,000 excess deaths, and $147.8 billion in economic costs in 2022 alone.
Edward Dowd is is a hedge fund guru and an expert in statistical analysis. He and his team examine a broad cross section of US data. Their conservative calculations are underestimates; but they still reveal astounding numbers of deaths, injuries, disabilities and financial losses resulting from the so-called covid-19 “vaccines” that were coerced and forced into people’s bodies. Please examine this excellent interview video material by Glen Jung with Edward Dowd
[TRAILER] Edward Dowd on Why Natural Therapies Were Banned During Covid
[TRAILER] A "Black Swan" event: staggering and never-before-seen numbers of work absences in the US following the "vaccines"
(A Black Swan Event is a high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable)
Full Interview: Injecting ~ 280 million Americans produced at least 26.6 million injuries, 1.36 million disabilities, 310,000 excess deaths, and $147.8 billion in economic costs
(The first ten minutes is essential viewing)
Malfeasant CPSO Medical Regulator fights against reality, Dr Trozzi and any doctor who stood in the way of the death by injection fraud
Tomorrow the CPSO will continue their self-ruled hearing to defame me, strip me of my Ontario medical license, and charge me many thousands of dollars for their bloated costs to operate this assault . They have done this and continue to do this to all the good Ontario doctors who did everything we could, to protect, inform, and serve you through the covid-crimes-against-humanity. Please stand with us now.
Dr Peter McCullough will be testifying tomorrow. He will bring truth and indepth knowledge to the kangaroo court. The CPSO will maneuvre to discredit and disqualify him; their arrogance and unrepentantness is unequalled.
You are supposed to be able to observe these “hearings” by emailing a request for the link each day to Please do try. Many people have reported that they did not receive the link , or they received a link but it did not work. Whereas we had ~17,000 people observe the last hearings involving Drs Luchkiw, Phillips and myself; but a maximum of ~200 people managed to gain entry to the live feed of these hearings last week. The CPSO threatens severe fines and penalties against anyone who dares to screen record the hearings or share those recordings. Is that not strange? If the CPSO and there persecution of the doctors was legitimate, would it not be the doctors who want to hide the proceedings. Who is it that wants to carry out this desecration of civilization in the dark?
Bless and vindicate Dr Patrick Phillips
Two weeks ago the CPSO finished their two year campaign against one of our greatest heroes: Dr Patrick Phillips. They revoked his license; labeled him “disgraceful, dishonorable, and unprofessional”; and demanded that he pay them thousands of dollars in costs for the process. This great physician sacrificed his home, career, income, and peace of mind to alert us. He remained ethical and scientifically intact through it all. He saved many of our lives and families; and would have saved many more if not for the CPSO. Please lift Dr Phillips up high with praise, prayers and support . He should be receiving awards and placed in a position of authority over Ontario’s medical system. Please join me on the mission to vindicate him. Dr Patrick Phillips on Twitter @DrP_MD
Please lift Dr Phillips up high with praise, prayers and support. He should be receiving awards and placed in a position of authority over Ontario´s medical system. Please join me on the mission to vindicate him. Dr Patrick Phillips on Twitter @DrP_MD.
Important resources and related material:
To follow and inspect Edward Dowd’s Analysis: PhinanceTechnologies Humanity Projects
Dr Trozzi and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. June 15, 2023. Misguidedness, corruption, and perversion of the CPSO; the toxicity of the injections; and how we remain faithful while not giving into fear.
The Provincial Strong Arm of Dark Global Agenda. Dr Mark Trozzi June 12th discussion with Glen Jung of Bright LIght News on the eve before the CPSO vs Trozzi spectacle began.
Dr Peter McCullough: website on twitter
Information about the Covid-19 so-called “vaccines”
Dr Trozzi’s first public warning about the covid-19 “vaccines” from January 2021
Dr Trozzi’s detailed alert about the covid-19 “vaccinces” from June 2021. Covid “Vaccines”; How Dangerous Are They?
Dr Trozzi’s important April 2023 alert | There’s DNA in the RNA Shots. Lots!