The new Biofreedoms Accord to take back our world

The Bio-freedom Accords Initiative Strengthening and uniting the world’s legal experts who fight for human rights and dignity. A growing multinational group of lawyers are working together to empower each other in the current fight against medical tyranny, and to fix the world’s broken medical legal system. The Biofreedoms Accord Initiative has two elements: first… Continue reading The new Biofreedoms Accord to take back our world

Big Science and Law Collaboration on Saturday at 2pm EST

Medical and Legal Experts Collaborate. Proving Covid “vaccines” cause death and disease. Introduction to this Event For those of us who have done diligent research over the past two years, it is hard to believe that there is any debate about the forced injections: they are not safe and they are not effective. They have… Continue reading Big Science and Law Collaboration on Saturday at 2pm EST

Trucker Freedom Rally. History in the making. Trudeau hiding

Dr Francis Christian and other freedom fighters report from the front lines in Ottawa Introduction As Canadians of all colors and stripes, stand  with our truckers’ freedom rally; the master-of-black-face and  veteran groper , Trudeau is tweeting from his hide-out.  Trudeau makes typical “racists” accusations of the obviously mixed race crowd. Trudeau then tweets his… Continue reading Trucker Freedom Rally. History in the making. Trudeau hiding