University of Western ON students protest forced injections

We can support the rally in person starting at noon tomorrow August 27th in the center of U of Western Campus. Here are administrators at the University to contact and respectfully demand that they end this abuse and violation of our youth.

Tecumseh Ontario’s pending “Voluntary Isolation Facility”

Here’s Trudeau Liberal MP Irek Kuysmierczyk delusionally celebrating the “Voluntary Isolation Facility” before an angry crowd of well informed men and women, who reject the plan. Here is the Trudeau regime announcement of their decision to burying Canadians even further in debt to build an abomination that the people do not want:

Vax Control Group Final Report

“Self-Selected COVID-19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey” Authors: Robert Verkerk PhD, Christof Plothe DO, Naseeba Kathrada MbChB, Katarina Lindley DO We want to thank ANH International, World Council For Health scientists and 18,479 people who were able to hold their ground, resist the forced covid-injections, and support real science.… Continue reading Vax Control Group Final Report