Unvaxxed ‘Control group’ | first release of survey data

Find out how over 300,000 health-aware unvaxxed people from around the world have fared with COVID-19, choices & discrimination There have been very few studies looking at how those who’ve elected to rely on natural immunity and natural products, as compared with those who’ve consented to covid-19 genetic vaccines, the latter who may, or may… Continue reading Unvaxxed ‘Control group’ | first release of survey data

Help C-19 “vaccine” injured people | Important details

Acknowledging, supporting and treating. Ongoing research to help injection victim recovery Despite two years of intense commitment to research, public education, and activism, many beloved women, men, and even children have been coerced and injected with dangerous genetic cocktails. Also, despite the plethora of evidence of the death and harms following these injections, many governments… Continue reading Help C-19 “vaccine” injured people | Important details