Heroic Dr Mel Bruchet MD, 80 years old, handcuffed, drugged, and imprisoned for warning us.

Introduction This video may be seen in 3 parts. The first hour was held with Dr Nagase alone during the time that Dr Bruchet was initially missing, drugged and locked up. Dr Nagase relates the events of Br Bruchet’s abduction by police and his abuse within the covid-agenda dominated BC health “care” system. In the second half… Continue reading Heroic Dr Mel Bruchet MD, 80 years old, handcuffed, drugged, and imprisoned for warning us.

Jody Ledgerwood guide to stay free amidst Covid tyranny.

“Stand in your square, know the law, and educate them” – Jody Ledgerwood Here is cell phone footage of Jody and friends dining in the Toronto Eaton Center food court. This is their right. Security and Police arrive to enforce completely illegitimate and illegal mandates that demand people show covid-“vaccine” papers. What follows is enlightening for… Continue reading Jody Ledgerwood guide to stay free amidst Covid tyranny.