BC CDC data made it too obvious that “vaccines” don´t work

Burying Evidence in British Columbia

In BC, like everywhere, criminally administered misrepresented genetic injections  are being  forced upon the public. They do not work in terms of stopping infection or the transmission of covid. Quite to the contrary, they come with dramatic increases in disease and death. This  includes increased susceptibility to, and worse outcomes from coronavirus infections.

Here is an archived donut chart from the British Columbia Center for Disease Control for the period Jan 2 to June 18, 2022.

This graph does not support the injection pushing agenda. Please remember that this data does not include the vast majority of profound sickness and death associated with the injections; rather this is just the coronavirus illness fragment. Also please keep in mind the deceptive practice of counting sick people as “unvaxxed”, for two weeks after they are injected. That means ill effects of the injections in this critical two week period are counted as occuring in “unvaccinated” persons; injected but not yet “vaccinated”. Despite this,  the data still shows that  50% of BC’s population was triple injected; and that they accounted for 63% of the deaths from Jan 2nd through June 18th, 2022.

So… BC CDC announced an end to these “vaccination” status differentiated charts of covid cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths.


  1. Burying the Evidence, “Vaccinated” Canadians Suffer Most From Covid
  2. Leading Cause of Death in Alberta is “Unknown”
  3. Dr Ryan Cole. The World Has Been Spiked. Detailed and concise exposition of the spike protein poisoning of mankind by injection.
  4. “Beyond Not Safe” Dr Trozzi World Congress Presentation. The call for MDs and scientists to support the prosecution of the covid perpetrators.
  5. Expert Dr Sucharit Bhakdi | Why the Injections Are No Good. Zero benefit. Severe harms. Infertility. Cumulative danger. Concise and clear explanations by top virologist and immunologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi.  
  6. How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 1 of 5: Understanding the Immune System
  7. How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 2 of 5:Blocking the Innate Immune system and preventing its evolution, especially in children. Original Antigenic Sin
  8. How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 3 of 5. Antibody Dependent Enhancement
  9. How Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 4 of 5. Antibody Mediated Selection
  10.  How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 5. Positive HIV AIDS tests, “vaccine” induced acquired immunity deficiency syndrome and extreme vulnerability to cancer
  11. Herd Immunity Explained in 12 minutes
  12. The Trozzi Report | Episode 1 Part 3 | Dr Chris Shoemaker. All Cause Excess Mortality & VI AIDS
  13. Help Stop the “Vaccine” Injuries Cover-up in Ontario Now. Ontario’s denial and cover up of the death and carnage following covid injections, is a crime, that must be stopped. Help the victims and their families.