The Coming Pandemic of the “Vaccinated”

Don't be fooled. Understand the real causes of current tragedies


Deception and abuse of the public is rampant. Recall evidence we presented last week about the current scam in Canada and many other countries to create the false narrative that current disease is in the “unvaxxed” and that variants are caused by the “un-vaxxed”. This is an absolute lie!

Here Dr Paul Alexander PhD epidemiology, and Dr Mark Trozzi MD expose the real science at play. Don’t be fooled and manipulated. Please share this material to counter the misinformation campaign being used to force everyone into the injections and demonize innocent people who have resisted the forced injections and become victims of medical apartheid. Governments are building “isolation camps”, demonizing people who refuse injection, blocking safe treatments, and deceiving the public into accepting these lethal injections. Ethical and informed scientists and doctors are risking everything to expose the truth, save lives, and counter the crimes of the Criminal Covid Enterprise. Help them spread the truth. 

The Coming Real Pandemic of the "Vaccinated"