Children Should Be Freed Now and Never Covid-Injected

by Dr Paul Alexander PhD and Dr Mark Trozzi MD

Children are by nature very resistant to coronavirus infection for multiple reasons that we will concisely discuss below.

ACE 2 Receptors

First, as the reader may know, coronaviruses are spherical and have many spike proteins projecting from their surface all around. For a coronavirus to infect a human cell, these spike proteins first must attach to receptors on the surface of the cell, called ACE2 receptors. Without this first stage of attachment, the coronavirus cannot infect the human cell.  ACE2 receptors are the vulnerability that coronaviruses use to attach to human cells and initiate infection.

These ACE 2 receptors have limited (less) expression and presence in the nasal epithelium in young children; this is part of the reason that children are less likely to be infected in the first place, or spread it to other children or adults, or even get severely ill; the apparatus is simply not there as reported by (1a) Patel and (1b) Bunyavanich.  

Pre-activated Antiviral Innate Immunity

Second, another mechanism of children’s powerful resistance to coronaviruses is revealed in recent research (2) August 2021 by Loske, which deepens our understanding even further. This research shows that pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways of children works to further control early SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study provides evidence that “the airway immune cells of children are primed for virus sensing, resulting in a stronger early innate antiviral response to SARS-CoV-2 infection than occurs in adults”.

Natural Immunity

Third, unlike the unnatural, dangerous, and less effective pseudo-immunity triggered by experimental biologic covid-19 injections (3), we know that natural immunity is very broad and effective. That means that naturally, we have immunity to new coronaviruses because of exposure to other coronaviruses in the past. This is true even in young children. Coronaviruses are one of the virus families that cause the “common cold”. Even little children have been exposed to various colds before covid-19 was launched. With the colds that were coronaviruses, the children were minimally sick due to low ACE2 receptors in their nostrils and their innate anti-viral immunity; but still the exposure helped them develop strong and broad immunity and antibodies to coronaviruses. This natural immunity works even between very different coronaviruses. That’s one of the reasons why the infamous variants are of less concern for non-injected people, who have natural immunity.

In children, this broad natural immunity to covid, thanks to prior colds, is demonstrated by research evidence of (4) Yang which was published in Science (May 2021). It showed that blood examined from children retrieved prior to COVID-19 pandemic, had memory B cells that can bind to SARS-CoV-2. This indicates the potent role of early childhood exposure to common cold coronaviruses (coronaviruses), in giving them enhanced immunity to SARS-CoV2 and its variants.

In other words, this underscores the importance of early childhood B cell clonal expansions and cross-reactivity/cross-protection, in subsequent exposures and responses to novel pathogens including SARS-COV-2. Here we quote this work by Dr Yang: “Consistent with reported serology, pre-pandemic children had class-switched convergent clones to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 with weak cross-reactivity to other coronaviruses… these results highlight the prominence of early childhood B cell clonal expansions and cross-reactivity for future responses to novel pathogens”.

Children are less likely to spread covid.

Fourth, we would also like to draw the readers’ attention to research in the (5) Journal of Infection by Galow (April 2021) that examined household transmission rates in children and adults. They reported that there was “no transmission from an index-person < 18 years to a household contact < 18 years (0/7), but 26 transmissions from adult index-cases to household contacts < 18 years (26/71, SAR 0=37)”. These findings are in line with evidence that children are less at risk of developing severe illness courses, and also are far less susceptible and likely to spread and drive SARS-CoV-2 (6, 7, 8, 9).

In Summary

In summary: Children have minimal ACE2 receptors present in their upper airway; they have powerful innate immune responses to viruses in the upper airways; they have broad effective immunity to SARS-CoV2 and its variants from prior exposures to coronaviruses; and further evidence demonstrates that by and far they do not transmit covid to other people, even those in close contact with them.

So, the idea imposed on children that by hugging or socializing with their grandparents, they will give them covid and cause their death, is completely unfounded. This idea has been nothing more than one part of the severe psychologic abuse our children have undergone for more than one and a half years now. We must end this now. Children need no masks, no anti-social distancing, no limitations on their life at all, they need no facial obstructions or unnatural distancing from their teachers, and they most certainly should be spared the dangerous genetic nanoparticle experimental injections.

We now know that even in the elderly who are far more prone to significant illness with covid-19, the injections kill five times as many as they save. (10) In children this ratio goes off the scale to more than one hundred. Imagine deciding to kill more than one hundred children, for everyone possibly saved. It is ludicrous or evil. Stop these injections immediately!

The injections should be stopped immediately, especially in children.


  • 1a.Patel AB, Verma A. Nasal ACE2 Levels and COVID-19 in Children. JAMA. 2020 Jun 16;323(23):2386-2387. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.8946. PMID: 32432681.
  • 1b. Bunyavanich S, Do A, Vicencio A. Nasal Gene Expression of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 in Children and Adults. JAMA. 2020;323(23):2427–2429. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.8707
  • 2. Loske, J., Röhmel, J., Lukassen, S. et al.pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. Nat Biotechnol(2021).
  • 3. M. Trozzi MD June 2022 Covid “Vaccines”, How Dangerous Are They?
  • 4. Yang F, Nielsen SCA, Hoh RA, Röltgen K, Wirz OF, Haraguchi E, Jean GH, Lee JY, Pham TD, Jackson KJL, Roskin KM, Liu Y, Nguyen K, Ohgami RS, Osborne EM, Nadeau KC, Niemann CU, Parsonnet J, Boyd SD. Shared B cell memory to coronaviruses and other pathogens varies in human age groups and tissues. Science. 2021 May 14;372(6543):738-741. doi: 10.1126/science.abf6648. Epub 2021 Apr 12. PMID: 33846272; PMCID: PMC8139427.
  • 5. Galow L, Haag L, Kahre E, Blankenburg J, Dalpke AH, Lück C, Berner R, Armann JP. Lower household transmission rates of SARS-CoV-2 from children compared to adults. J Infect. 2021 Jul;83(1):e34-e36. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2021.04.022. Epub 2021 Apr 28. PMID: 33930468; PMCID: PMC8079264.
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  • 9. Wongsawat J, Moolasart V, Srikirin P, Srijareonvijit C, Vaivong N, Uttayamakul S, Disthakumpa A. Risk of novel coronavirus 2019 transmission from children to caregivers: A case series. J Paediatr Child Health. 2020 Jun;56(6):984-985. doi: 10.1111/jpc.14965. PMID: 32567772; PMCID: PMC7361585.
  • 10. Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19? Ronald N.Kostoff, Daniela Calina, Darja Kanduc, Michael B.Briggs, Panayiotis Vlachoyiannopoulose, Andrey A.Svistunov, and AristidisTsatsakisg