Colossal Convoy of Truckers Converging on Ottawa for freedom

The Trudeau regime’s spree of human rights violations and unlawful dictates include mandates for forced injections of cross border truck drivers. These mandates came into effect January 15th. South of the border, the unelected Biden administration have made similar mandates that started January 22.

…but it seems 20% of Canada’s cross border truckers are too smart to roll up their sleeve  for these unsafe and ineffective injections, even under the threat of medical apartheid.

Trudeau and his cohorts block safe effective treatments for covid; Canadians are denied access. Even without these treatments, covid has less than 0.3% mortality. With the same safe effective affordable treatments, covid’s mortality drops to a minuscule 0.045% or less.   

Meanwhile, the forced injections are shattering all prior records for death and damage ever caused by something called a “vaccine”. Pfizer’s own documents reveal that 3% of injection victims died within 3 months of injection, that another 28% were permanently or persistent disabled at the three month mark, and that 100% of unborn infants died in the injected pregnant women reported in their experiment.

Also, data from around the world is revealing increased covid disease among the coerced injection victims, who are incorrectly referred to as “the fully vaccinated”.

These injections are not safe, and not effective.

So it seems that 20% of Canada’s cross border transport truck drivers are smart. They must have that special combination: critical thinking and self-respect.

May God please bless these truckers and everyone supporting the convoys and the big Saturday protest in Ottawa. Thank you for helping to set us free from this medical tyranny and genocide. We pray that Trudeau and other covid criminals will be brought to justice, and we the people will soon celebrate in a restored, free, and fair country.

To help finance gas, food, and lodging of our wonderful truckers in this historic convoy, you can donate here:…

Rebel News is providing daily coverage to the convoy here:…