Updated and new insights into the cellular and biochemical mechanisms by which the so-called "covid-19 vaccines" cause disease and death
In the realm of cellular and biochemical processes, Dr Stephanie Seneff is one of the most impressive intellects I have encountered. She is a global leader in our understanding of the mechanisms by which the genetic covid injections damage their victims.
Dr Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS from MIT in biology and MS, EE, and PhD degrees from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science.
Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #69 on December 12, Dr Stephanie Seneff gave an eye-opening presentation on the science behind why Covid-19 jabs are injuring so many people around the world.
It was an honor to host this meeting and introduce Dr Seneff. She wasted no time conveying knowledge in a well-organized, fast-paced 25 minute presentation; that was followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers.
Dr Seneff explains sudden death and cardiovascular disease; immune suppression and cancer risk, the role of molecular mimicry in various autoimmune diseases brought on by the jabs, reverse transcription and the risk of permanent genetic modification, as well as a surprising mechanism by which spike proteins produced in injected persons’ spleens are transported by their vagus nerves to their brains where they wreak havoc.
Full Presentation: Dr Stephanie Seneff: Why C19 Jabs Are Injuring So Many People Globally
Brief Excerpt
Here is a 1 1/2 minute in which Dr Seneff explains the role molecular mimicry may be playing in the plague of myocarditis and heart disease following the jabs.