Iron Will interview with Professor Denis Rancourt: an expert in All-Cause Mortality data analysis
Thanks to Iron WIll of Strong and Free Canada for this excellent piece of investigative journalism.
“The government and media have been telling us since the start of the plandemic that millions have died from Covid. But the All-Cause Mortality figures from around the world tell a different story. Professor Denis Rancourt is an expert in All-Cause Mortality data analysis. In this in-depth interview he shows the proof that if governments around the world had not announced a ‘pandemic’ and then taken disastrous actions, no extra people would have died.” – Iron Will
- What did cause an additional 1.3 million deaths in the U.S. alone?
- Why did so few extra people die in Canada?
- Is the Canadian government altering mortality data?
- How have the vaccine injections affected extra deaths?