Dr Shoemaker and Take Action Canada call for all Canadian Premiers to follow the State of Tennessee's example and liberate safe affordable treatment of covid and "vaccine" injuries.
The fall 2022 cold and flu season is quickly approaching. Due to the forced and misrepresented high profit genetic injections, many of our loved ones have damaged immune systems and specific vulnerability to the SARS C0V2 variants. If not for the injections and misled mandates over the past two years, we would have naturally achieved herd immunity long ago. Many of us have suffered financial, professional and personal loss to remain free of the injections; but our immune systems remain strong and are adapting to the gain of function virus and its variants that spawn in our abused and injected fellows.
We can not change the past; but we do need a solid plan forward. That plan has multiple elements. On the human health front the way forward is clear: stop the shots, liberate safe and effective treatment for both covid infections and the disease processes that have been induced by the injections.
Health care is a provincial domain in Canada. Please join and support our call on the governments and premiers of all provinces of Canada, to stop the obstruction of safe affordable effective treatment which includes ivermectin.