"Stay strong, do not comply, say "No, No, No" until this whole nonsense stops" - Dr Maria Hubmer-Mogg
Comments by Dr. Trozzi
I am very proud to call Dr Hubmer-Mogg my friend, and ally in the fight for covid truth, justice, human rights and dignity. We serve together within the World Council for Health. Her conviction, courage, and hard work are an inspiration to all of us in the covid truth and justice movement.
I am grateful to Dr Hubmer-Mogg and Iron Will Dove of Strong and Free Canada, for responding to my request, and holding this interview. I want Canadians to hear her story and benefit from her insights.
Very few places in the world can compete with Canada for institutionalized covid-crimes-against-humanity. Austria can.
Dr Hubmer-Mogg, was fired from her work as a family doctor immediately after sharing her honest and correct knowledge about covid and the forced injections.
Despite being locked out of her career, having a young family to care for, and living under the tyrannical boot of Austria’s current covid-agenda-driven regime; Dr Hubmer-Mogg has not surrendered nor submitted. She has continued to tell the truth, and organize massive peaceful protests.
This Iron Will interview with the good doctor, is packed with her front line experiences, her medical and scientific insights, her understanding of the criminal covid agenda and the lead perpetrators like Klaus Schwab and his many minions like Trudeau.
Dr Hubmer-Mogg is one of the hardest working, most informed, and inspirational covid-truth-and-justice activists in the world. She exists at the real front lines of science, activism, and organization. She is working to restore our world, and end the covid crimes. May she be an inspiration to all of us. I think you will love her! She is a true embodiment of the World Council For Health mantra: “There is a better way; and together we are creating it.”