Today, we have five short bits of news to share with you.
Drs Alexander, Hodkinson, and Bridle. MP Lightbound sides with freedom. India's Ambassador calls out Trudeau's betrayal. Our great Truckers, and a "Domestic Terrorist."
India’s Ambassador to Canada, Deepak Vohra, calls out Trudeau’s betrayal. 1 minute video. “I will protect the oppressed ,even if he is my enemy. But I will never forgive the traitor, even if he is my friend”
Dr Paul Alexander and Dr Roger Hodkinson, continue serving Canadians at the front line of Canada’s Freedom Movement. This is a late night press release from the Truckers Freedom leadership along with the good doctors, from Feb 7th, 2022. 17 minutes.
Respect goes to Quebec Liberal MP Joel Lightbound as he breaks rank and joins voices of truth calling for an end to the covid abuse. This is what we need ethical MPs who defend the constitution and represent their constituents; not just tow the party lines.
MP Lightbound says the Liberal Party’s divisive politics, which spreads beyond the truckers and into broader society, must stop and that all covid measures and vaccine mandates must be re-evaluated.
Drs Bridle, Alexander, and Hodkinson invite Federal Health Officials Drs Tam, Njoo, and Deeks to a constructive open air debate Friday Feb 11, 2022
Media Release:
OTTAWA – Doctors in support of the freedom convoy are inviting senior health officials to participate in a public scientific forum with subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson to an open and fair discussion, with senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo and the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Dr. Shelley Deeks. Read more
- Special thanks to our friends at Bright Light News for great journalism covering the situation in Ottawa.
Lastly, here is one of the “domestic terrorists” Justin Trudeau warned us about: