These injections are by no means safe or effective
The Criminal Covid Enterprise and their minions in government, media, medical licensing bodies, and other institutions, deceive and coerce innocent people into forced Covid-19 experimental biologics that they call “vaccines” and that they claim are “safe and effective”.
Doctors and many nurses are among the multitude of people walking away from their careers, into medical apartheid, because they refuse to take the jab.
Ethical and well studied medical doctors like Canada’s Drs Hoffe, Christian, Malthouse, Payne, Hodkinson, Benoit, Kilian, Tennenbaum, Phillips, Turek, Milburn, Alexander, and Trozzi , to mention a few, who have shared their knowledge about covid and these injections, are attacked by institutional authoritarians and their accomplices in the media.
Dr Rob Verkerk PhD is the founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International. The ANH ( is a trustworthy source for health information. We highly recomend the ANH as an organization to return to again and again for honest best science health information.
Here Dr Verkerk and the ANH present the data showing that these so-called “vaccines” are by no means safe. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System data from the US now reveal that so far this year, these injections have caused more death than all vaccines did combined over thirty years combined. The “vaccine” effectiveness was at 41% by mid August 2021 and dropping.
You don’t have to wonder who is telling you the truth: the doctors sacrificing their livelihood and careers to warn you with absolutely nothing personal to gain; or well payed bearcats like Dr Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health who tell you that these injections are “safe and effective”.
Here is an excerpt from yesterday’s CTV News hit piece on Ontario doctors who are opposed to the forced injections :
“Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore has previously said that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and highly effective and that medical exemptions should only be granted at a rate of about five people per 100,000.”
No you don’t have to wonder, if you look at the facts. Here they are presented eloquently by Dr Verkerk and ANH International. It is well worth the read. Even if you are short of time, scroll through and look at the data and graphs. There will be no questions left in your mind.
How safe are covid 'vaccines'?
Authored by Robert Verkerk BSc MSc DIC PhD FACN
Founder, Executive & Scientific Director of Alliance for Natural Health
For over three decades, Rob Verkerk has developed an intimate relationship with the tightropes that span between science and law, between academia and industry, between government and the people — and not least — between humanity’s internal and external environments. He has Masters and Doctorate degrees from Imperial College London, where he also worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for 7 years.
In 2002, Dr Verkerk founded the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl) and has acted as its executive and scientific director since this time. He has directed legal actions to protect the right to natural health and campaigned against drinking water fluoridation and genetically modified crops. He has also been instrumental in exposing the limitations of classical risk analysis as applied by government authorities to foods and natural health products and he is a recognised pioneer in the development of novel, scientifically rational risk/benefit analysis approaches. He is also the scientific director of ANH-USA.
Dr Verkerk has authored some 60 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings and contributes regularly to magazines and other popular media. He is an accomplished and inspirational speaker and communicator on a wide range of issues relating to sustainability in healthcare, agriculture, food quality and related fields.