Where to we go from here?

It's madness...

The science related to covid is very clear. We, who are persistently devoted to critical thinking and resistant to Pavlovian conditioning, see clearly that the covid agenda makes no sense. The fake pandemic, deceptive PCR “test”, social isolation, physical distancing, face muzzling, shuttered businesses, closed churches, mosques, synagogues and concert halls, dangerous nefarious injections, and medical apartheid in the form of “vaccine” passports; all leave us wondering “how can this really be happening? It’s madness!”

It is “dystopian madness” as Dr Francis Christian reminds us. As well as being a skilled and ethical surgeon, Dr Christian is a student of soviet history. The soviet dictators created a dystopian authoritarian world, like the one we see unfolding in Canada today.

How do authoritarians manipulate entire countries into perverse, insane and submissive conditions? Perhaps contemporary authoritarians are using patterns of mass psychological manipulation that have been well thought out, described, and executed in the past. If so, perhaps understanding these processes will help us reverse the process and regain a healthy, happy, logical, and free society.

If there are well known methods to abuse people and create authoritarian states; are there also well-known methods to reverse course? With these thoughts in mind, I recommend this twenty-minute artistic and intelligent presentation:

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL by After Skool