Central bankers, in bed with big pharma, big tech, and corrupt politicians: Catherine Austin Fitts reveals the villains behind the Scamdemic
The corruption runs deep. The US Federal government has refused audited financial reports since 1998, despite these being required by law. Twenty one trillion dollars are missing! They have created massive amounts of fiat currency which they and their allies have used to buy up extensive real assets like real estate. Meanwhile, they have essentially bankrupted the financial system. It will collapse, but they are still holding all the assets that they bought with the ill gotten fake money.
During the lockdowns and other unjustified oppressive measures, small businesses were crushed, but the centrally connected billionaires’ companies thrived. They took over the small businesses’ shares of the market. As Fitts puts it “the magic virus spared” Cosco and Walmart, while crushing all small businesses. Also, they all received their share of the twenty one trillion missing dollars. The small businesses being destroyed must sell off their assets; they are bought up cheap by these unfairly enriched and empowered centrally connected multinational corporations.
Austin Fitts explains how by using all the elements of the criminal covid enterprise, the central banks, big tech, big pharma and their government operatives around the world, are taking this economic-collapse-and-assets-theft formula to a whole new horrific level. “Vaccine” passports and central bank digital currency are the ultimate manifestation of that. If they succeed, it will bring all of us 99.9999% of regular people into full slavery.
What is the solution? Austin Fitts recommends stopping the “vaccine” passport, and withdrawing our business from these villains. Boycott Cosco, Walmart, and the big banks. Give your business to real people with small businesses; it enriches your own community. Withdraw from the big banks and instead use smaller ethical financial institutions like credit unions.